Miss Makenzie's Page |
I don't get to our library very often but needed to find some obscure technical information recently so went in for the first time in ages. The books I wanted were tucked away in the archives and I thought I was in for a really dull afternoon. That was until I came across a librarian who was busy sorting through old books and cataloguing them. At first glance she was a typical librarian, glasses, long dress, buttoned up jacket, hair bunched back; you know the type, but she did have blonde hair and was quite tall and I reckoned quite attractive under the austere exterior so I kept a close eye on her and was rewarded quite quickly with the sight of a black lacy slip under her skirt. At one stage after having absently fiddled with her coat button it came undone and I could see a shiny black bra lurking, then as her legs parted I was very surprised to notice her black knickers had some form of jewel on them. Mmm I wondered is she quite as dowdy as she looks? She took no notice of me and made little attempt at sitting demurely giving me ample opportunity to soak in the view up her skirt, especially when she got on a ladder to take a book off the top self. It was when she got down from the ladder and crossed her legs that she spotted me and turned very red. What followed probably gave my poor old little devil friend the hardest afternoons work he had ever had. I'm sure she was just bursting to let me see everything but, although she gave me glorious views of her underwear it was only the smallest flash of nipple that could be squeezed out of her. Perhaps I will have better luck if I bump into her again! |
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Angry Miss Makenzie |
Well, I suppose it had to happen some time but my little devil friend didn't come to my rescue soon enough with this librarian (any one read Terry Pratchet? I think there might be a link!) Anyway, what happened was that I called round to this house answering an advert for a car that was for sale to have the door answered by Miss Makenzie. The car belonged to her brother apparently who wasn't home and she had got really fed up answering the door and telephone for him. I should have taken that as a hint but I dearly wanted to try to see up her skirt again so I convinced her to let me in and wait. She sat down at a table and started to look through holiday brochures although she looked as if she had just come back (Think they must be paying librarians too much!) Anyway I was immediately rewarded with glimpses of her stocking tops and a black slip and using my old ploy of dropping something I got right under the table and stared up her skirt while she idly adjusted her suspender! She then pulled out another chair and propped her feet up on it giving me a clear uninterrupted view of her lacy stocking tops and black suspender clasp. This is when the proverbial hit the fan. She saw me staring, covered herself, got up and shook her fist at me. I then made the fatal mistake of assuming the little chap was in control and said how nice I thought her suspenders were. Her right arm shot out and landed across my cheek and I stepped back to try to avoid it and tripped over a stool ending on my back. She was still livid and came and flattened my nose with her foot!!! Blood immediately started spurting out and she stood with her hands on her hips surveying her handiwork. She went and sat down and with a smug smile on her face started to tease me. Just wish I hadn't been so busy staunching the flow of blood so that I could have appreciated it more. Hope you all appreciate it now! |
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Miss Makenzie at the Opening Day | |
When I walked into the Open Day at the new antiques centre that had opened it was with mixed feelings that I saw Miss Makenzie there. The way she was dressed immediately had my heart thumping, a summer dress a wide brimmed hat and white stockings already on display but with the memory of her right hook still writ large I was not sure I had the courage to look to see what was hiding under her dress. However my dedication to duty for you guys came to the fore (helped greatly by the fact that as she bent forward to examine an old gramophone I realised she had on a white slip) and I thought what the hell, you only live once and dropped down behind her to get a good look right up her skirt to examine her lacy white knickers. How she didn't notice me I have no idea but having got away with it I chanced my arm when she sat down to read an old art book and peeked - no that's not right - stared HARD down her wonderful cleavage. She continued reading for a while and let her legs drift apart and while I continued to stare he suddenly looked up and saw me. Time for a sharp exit I thought (heard that somewhere before!) but no, there was no sign of a Mike Tyson fist heading in my direction but there was the glimmer of a smile on her lips so I decided to stay and see if the little devil would produce the goods........ |
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Redecorating Miss Makenzie |
I had a phone call out of the blue from Miss Makenzie the other day. Not sure how she found it or why she phoned me other than perhaps thinking I was a soft touch to get some work done on her new house cheaply. Well, payment comes in more forms than money and having already seen her three times and the little devil having failed to convince her to let me see her boobs I was not about to pass up the chance of hoping forth time lucky. It didn't work out that way and her delightful orbs still remain hidden secrets but I cant really complain at what I did get to see. She had just arrived home from the library when I got there and was busy in the kitchen. That room is really one of my favourites. Lots of bending down so cleavage is on full display and lots of squatting so views right up the young lady's skirt to her knickers was also feasting my eyes. When she then climbed on a chair to reach a high cupboard, well I don't need to tell you guys what that gave me the chance to do! All black, slip, knickers, bra and suspenders. Mmmm! I was mindful of the thumping I had received from her before and wondered if the only reason I didn't get one last time was because we were in a public place but, no, after spotting me staring at her stocking tops while she sat on a chair she buttoned up and made to storm out of the room but her glance back over her shoulder told me I was on safe ground even though in the display that followed she did look unsure at times as to whether she should be revealing her private underwear to me. When she started to unhook her bra I thought I was about to be rewarded with sight of those gorgeous assets of hers but modesty prevailed - unfortunately. BUT I will not give up - watch this space!! |
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